Saturday, March 28, 2009

Campaign Update

Dear Fellow Caledonians,

It has come to my attention that a gentleman is exercising his right to launch a write-in campaign for the same open seat for which I am currently running.

I would like people to know that I respect the process, followed the proper procedure, and worked to turn in the maximum number of 100 signatures allowed to secure my name on the ballot (instead of the 20 minimum signatures required). This is just a small example of how hard I am willing to work, and how serious I am about the prospect of serving this Village as a Trustee.

Community is my passion! As sewer, water and border agreements are enacted, this becomes a crucial time for Caledonia and its long term financial future. If elected as your Trustee, I will work to maintain a quality level of services, make sure infrastructure needs are met, and try to keep residents' taxes low by actively pursuing commercial development to ease the burden on the property owner. I will listen to all concerns, and do my homework so that I can make fair and balanced decisions that will benefit the VILLAGE AS A WHOLE - not just a select few.

Please remember that EVERY vote counts. Right now, I need to count on YOU to vote for ME on Tuesday, April 7th so that we can continue to move forward toward the goal of making Caledonia a great place to Live, Work and Play.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Kathy Burton

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