Friday, March 13, 2009

A New Day...A New Year...and A NEW CAMPAIGN

Dear Friends,

Last year I ran my first campaign. The support I received was overwhelming. That support gave me the courage to stay involved after I lost my race by a mere 40 votes.

Looking back, I am proud of the race that I ran. I am proud that the message to "make Caledonia a great place to Live, Work and Play" was so well received.

That message still holds true for me today.

I have kept busy this past year. I have attended countless meetings. I was appointed to the Open Space Management Oversight Committee; and I have volunteered time as a member on the Caledonia School District Steering Committee.

In spite of the challenges that Caledonia faces, I am very excited to serve Caledonia on the Village Board. I look forward to continue working hard to make Caledonia a great place to Live, Work and Play.

Please remember to vote on Tuesday, April 7th!

Thank you for your time and support!


Kathy Burton

P.S.- On a personal note: I would like to thank Howard Stacey (current Trustee#1) for his years of service on the Village Board. I wish him luck in all of his future endeavors. "Thank you Mr. Stacey!"

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