Saturday, February 9, 2008

Question #3: "What could Caledonia do to attract these commercial developments?"


I would like to see Caledonia take on a marketing initiative to shed the "unfriendly" reputation that we have established for ourselves.

To attract the responsible commercial growth, I would like Caledonia to: update their website with accurate information promoting Caledonia, exercise some flexibility with some of the design standards that they have set in place, offer some incentives, and be more welcoming to development in our community.

Establishing commercial growth, particularily along Hwy K, may also help Caledonia to inch sewer and water out to the interstate; which is one thing that Caledonia needs to get serious about. Until we can accomplish this task, the I-94 corridor will remain largely undeveloped, and we will continue to lose out on development opportunities and the commercial taxbase that we need to keep resident taxes low.

These are just a few of the things that I think Caledonia could do to attact commercial development to our community.

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